
Expert Advice, Personalized Care, Exceptional Value

Hearing and Audiology Services TeamUntreated hearing problems, regardless of their severity, can lead to isolation, anxiety and depression. Serving Raleigh, NC for over a decade, the focus of our practice is to improve our patients’ quality of life through effective treatment and state-of-the-art technology.
Whether you are a new or existing patient, we will develop an ongoing, customized treatment plan that best meets your individual needs. And, new patients, we are proud to offer a complimentary initial consultation and hearing screening!
American Speech Language AssociationRaleigh Chamber

Our specialized services include:

Our collaborative care provides you with the expert advice, personalized care, and exceptional value you deserve. We have access to all major hearing aid manufacturers and accept most medical insurance providers. Call (919) 834-4327 to schedule your free initial consultation and hearing screening today.